How Can I be a Great Captain?
1. The most helpful thing you can do as a GREAT captain is to be familiar with the rules. RCRL rules, USTA rules, The Code and Rules of Tennis & Cases & Decisions. If you’ve read them, you’ll avoid a whole lot of headaches during the season. A GREAT captain will also make sure her team is familiar with these rules as well.
2. Stay in contact with your director. And then keep your teammates informed about what’s going on. She’ll e-mail or call you about anything you need to know, but she can be an invaluable resource when you have questions or problems.
3. You MUST attend (or send a representative to) the Captains’ Meeting held two weeks before the season starts. If your team wants a say-so in how the division runs, be at that meeting. You’ll find out which rules are changing, how much food to bring, how to handle a third set, and you’ll meet the other captains. There’s probably a lot of other great things you’ll find out, but you have to be there to know!
4. Hold a team meeting to figure out how your team wants to handle food, availability, uniforms, practices, line-ups, paying for balls, and other stuff. You can do this all by e-mail, but it’s much more fun if you do it over lunch. After all, this IS social tennis. You’re supposed to get to know people and enjoy their company.
5. Be a peacemaker, and encourage great sportsmanship on your team. You will have some opportunities throughout the year where either teammates or opponents find themselves at odds. Be a problem-solver, and remember to treat people the way you want to be treated. It will always pay off.
(5pm at LTC, Herr Lane):
8/5, 9/9, 10/14, 11/11, 12/9*
*December location TBA
02/10, 03/10, 04/14 05/12, 06/09**
**June meeting starts at 4:00pm